11.05.2013. Sunday.
The evening was hot. We decided to take some fresh air to
be cooled. Rabindra Sarobor, it was our destination. Just 10 min walking
distance from our office. Fortunately my gear was along with me J. Reached there, took a place under the shade of
a tree, enjoying fresh and refreshing air. Suddenly we saw it. It was not bold,
but it was beautiful and loud. We stayed there only 15mins (got a call from
office, we had to back). We were lucky to get them in frames. Sharing some
snaps of Common Tailor Bird (Tuntuni in Bengali). Probably the least concern
bird in our country.
In nature, these are shy, restless and fast moving, well
known for their nest made off living leaves, sewn together at the edges to form
a lil pouch for eggs. The tail is long and pointed, held erect over the back
and has extended pin feathers in the breeding male.
Lower one is a breeding male. J .
Lower one is a breeding male. J .